The weirdest and wildest pages on Wikipedia

by Polly in Did you know?

March 27, 2024

6 minutes to read

Everyone knows Wikipedia, but it appears that only some understand what Wikipedia is. We've heard Wikipedia jokes and learned all about Wikipedia exploration days, but there's much more to the website. It's like Wikipedia just popped up one day and became a permanent fixture on the internet.

Join us as we explore Wikipedia a bit more and look at some of its weirdest pages. Get ready. We're going on a wild Wikipedia page exploration. The first stop is finding out more about Wikipedia.

It's a Wikipedia world

Wikipedia is essentially a free encyclopedia. Anyone born before the internet will remember having hard-copy encyclopedias you had to page to get the needed information. Wikipedia is a digital, slightly more unhinged version.

It's an extensive collection of crowd-sourced information available to the public. Many are aware that this online encyclopedia is created and edited by volunteers. But we bet you didn't know that there are thousands of bots currently maintaining the Wikipedia pages. Around 2468 bot tasks today are approved to maintain the 52 million English Wikipedia pages.

These bots can create new pages, correct spelling, and change the style of the page. The bots are also there to revert pages to the original version if edits are made due to vandalism. Anyone with programming knowledge can create bots for Wikipedia. Still, they will first need to be approved by the Bot Approval Group before they can assist in maintaining the Wikipedia Pages.

There are millions of pages to maintain with articles on the most random things available in 10+ languages, including Italian, French, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.

Are you looking for crazy Wikipedia pages to visit when you're bored? Here are our top suggestions.

The high five

It's funny to think that someone one day just decided, 'Today is the day I educate the world on the history of high fives'. That's right. On this Wikipedia page, you can learn about the humble high five.

One would think that knowing what a high five is common knowledge, but if you didn't know what it was, you definitely will after reading this page.

The page provides information on how to give a high five. The phrases used most often before giving a high five and the reasons for giving a high five. You can also find the origin of the high five and the use of the phrase, which dates back to the 1980s.

A page for misconceptions

We're not entirely sure if this one falls into the weird category, but it seems rather fitting if you're looking to learn some interesting random facts about anything and everything. This page needs to be more accurate about food, cooking, business, microwaves, language, and television.

It is your one-stop shop for facts that can impress anybody in any industry. You can check it out to arm yourself with conversation starters.

All about the pie in the face

No, we're not joking. Wikipedia is the source for the funniest pages. If you're bored, check out the list of pied people. The term refers to people taking a cream pie to the face. The page lists relatively well-known people on the receiving end of a pie in the face.

Boarded living

Airports are a place where anything is possible. Time is irrelevant. You could have a beer at 9 in the morning, load up on fries for breakfast and bite into the tastiest breakfast at midnight. You'd think your food choice is the craziest thing you can come up with at an airport, but it's not. Wikipedia brings you a page of people who have lived in airports.

This is strange, but once you start reading, it's pretty interesting. So many people from all over the world have stayed at an airport for entirely different reasons. 

Capture editor

You might get arrested for many reasons, so you should know the laws of a country before you step foot in it. One of the strangest things you could get charged for is editing a page.

One Wikipedia page is dedicated entirely to people who have been imprisoned. It should be stated that there are some pretty valid reasons behind the arrests, but still, it's pretty crazy to think an edit can land you in the hot seat.

Potato crazy

Museums are dedicated to many different things, from art to historical events. On this Wikipedia page, you will find a list of Potato Museums. No, you read it right. It's potato museums. They are spread worldwide, but most are in North America and Europe. Some of them also include other vegetables like Onions. Way to go, Potato, you made it into the big leagues.

Death by its invention

Today, almost everything is reliant on innovations and technology. But what if your bright idea leads to a long night? It's nearly unthinkable, but it's true. One Wikipedia page is dedicated to listing inventors killed by their inventions

Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo…

No, the keyboard didn't jam. There's an actual page called 'Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo, buffalo'. We suggest you read the page if you're curious about language and how this could be an actual sentence.

1000 names for one leader

The list of Kim Jong Il's titles is one of the most hilarious pages on Wikipedia. Kim Jong Il is known as the former leader of North Korea. This page contains a range of titles, including some pretty hilarious propagated titles like Party Centre, Superior Person and Guiding Sun Ray. Some of these have been in use since the 1980s.

Perfect for scrabble

The List of English words containing Q not followed by U is great for learning new words or simply bookmarking until your next Scrabble match.

Not for daily use

There is also a page listing the longest words in English, with the longest being 189,819 letters long. It's a science word, so you won't have to worry about writing it or using it any day soon unless that's your field of expertise. Imagine getting that word during the spelling bee!

Animals with degrees

Yep, there's a page dedicated to animals that have been awarded human credentials. Think cats with MBAs and high school diplomas. It's a fun page to hang around if you're looking for some light reading.

With millions of Wikipedia pages available, there's something for everyone to explore. Start reading, and you're bound to be hooked for hours. You may even find a page or two that you can relate to. Follow us on social media and share your favourites with us!

Article by Polly

CasinoWow Contributor

Hey guys, my name is Polina but my friends and colleagues call me Polly. I am truly passionate about online casino gaming and exploring the different online gambling experiences. I'm really into diving deep into topics and researching all the details. My aim is to gather the best information and write interesting articles for all the readers at CasinoWow.

Anything incorrect or missing?

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